The relationship between human capital development and efficiency Work performance of employees in the logistics business in Thailand

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Nuttavut Wiset



The Objective of this research was to study the development of human capital potential of employees in businesses. Logistics and operational efficiency of logistics business employees Including testing the relationship between human capital development and employee performance in the logistics business. There was a questionnaire about the relationship between human capital development and employee performance in the logistics business. It is a tool for collecting data from 400 employees working in the logistics business in Bangkok and surrounding areas to test the relationship between human capital development and operational efficiency. using Pearson's correlation coefficient.

The results of the research revealed that the overall development of human capital potential of employees in the logistics business is at a high level. The skills are at the highest level. For attitudes and knowledge, they were at a high level. As for the performance of employees in the logistics business, the overall level is at a high level, with the aspect that is at the highest level being the organization that places importance and interest in developing potential as you would expect. Followed by: Corporate training makes you work with more confidence and increases the quality of your work. The least common issue was that the organization has a work support system that reduces errors in operations. Finally, testing the relationship between human capital development and employee performance in the logistics business. From the analysis of the Pearson correlation coefficient, it was found that the development of human capital potential (knowledge, attitude, and skills) has a positive relationship with the performance of employees in the logistics business. It was found that: Skills has a value of 0.732, which indicates that the development of human capital potential in skills and the performance of employees in the logistics business are related at a high level. For developing human capital potential. The knowledge aspect has a value of 0.580 and the attitude aspect has a value of 0.648, which indicates that the development of human capital potential in knowledge and attitude is related to the performance of employees in the logistics business. and are related at a moderate level businesses should focus on organizing activities that promote the development of learning that leads to practical application in work. As for attitude businesses should have a policy that if employees develop higher competencies, they will be considered for better compensation as well. Finally, skills businesses need to strengthen the communications they use in their operations. Because communication is considered a factor that affects work efficiency.

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How to Cite
Wiset, N. . (2024). The relationship between human capital development and efficiency Work performance of employees in the logistics business in Thailand. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 10(2), 278–292. retrieved from


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