Economic Impact of Establishing A Thai Long-Haul Cargo Carrier

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Chawanwit Tochit
Manoj Lohatepanont



The objectives of research were 1) to study the economic impact of establishing a Thai long-haul cargo carrier and 2) to study and analyze the opportunity of establishing a Thai long-haul cargo carrier. Data were collected by in-depth interviews. The informants were divided into five groups: airport agency, institution, airlines, freight forwarder and exporter with total of 31 informants and analyzed by content analysis.

The results showed that, 1) the establish a thai long-haul cargo carrier has economic impacts both at the micro and macro levels on the country, including more efficient operations, the increasing employment, Infrastructure development in all sectors, market competition, government revenue and expenditure, trade and economic integration until the impact on domestic consumers. 2) Based on in-depth interviews with informants related to air freight business comment that opportunity to establish a thai long-haul cargo carrier. The relevant agencies need to find ways to develop and support to increase the quantity of goods for export (Demand) both within the country and from abroad. Until the level that the service of the current passenger aircraft cannot support and it is necessary to establish a thai long-haul cargo carrier to serve this demand. Pushing Thailand to be the center of logistics.

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How to Cite
Tochit, C., & Lohatepanont, M. (2024). Economic Impact of Establishing A Thai Long-Haul Cargo Carrier. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 10(2), 184–198. retrieved from


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