The Relationship between Assured Sustainability Report and Firm Value of Listed Companies in SET100 Index of The Stock Exchange of Thailand

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Parinya Konartorn
Warawit Phetruen



The objective of this research is to study the relationship between assured sustainability report and firm value of Thai Listed Companies in SET 100 Index during the period from 2017 to 2021 with a sample of 477 firm-year. This research used dummy variable 1 and 0 to identify assured sustainability report from accounting sustainability assurance providers and non-accounting sustainability assurance providers and unassured, respectively. This research measured the firm value by using Tobin's Q. The control variables included company size, capital structure, profitability and industry group. The statistical data analysis was conducted using descriptive statistics namely mean, standard deviation, minimum and maximum values of the data and the multiple regression analysis.

The results show that the assured sustainability report has no significant relationship with firm value. It would be that investors may not value the assurance. Because assurance on sustainability reports is still voluntary, not yet very widespread and assured most by non-accounting sustainability assurance providers. It may take some time to establish a standard of practice for the assurance of a profession so that investors would value the assurance or perceived reliability of the information in the report assured by non-accounting sustainability assurance providers, which is different from accounting assurance that has more reliable standard of practice. Therefore, there is no difference that investors use sustainability report information to assess and add more to the company's value.

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How to Cite
Konartorn, P. ., & Phetruen, W. (2024). The Relationship between Assured Sustainability Report and Firm Value of Listed Companies in SET100 Index of The Stock Exchange of Thailand. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 10(2), 169–183. retrieved from


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