The guidelines of building an Organizational Commitment to Promote Active Teachers of Schools in the Secondary school consortium Srivijaya the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Lampang Lamphun

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Jinphatcha Wongtankad
Chacharin Chuanwon
Teerapat Prasomsuk



The Objective of this research were to study were to study the organizational commitment and the guidelines of building an Organizational Commitment to Promote Active Teachers of Schools in the Secondary school consortium Srivijaya the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Lampang Lamphun. The population in this research consisted of 178 government teachers from schools in the Secondary school consortium Srivijaya the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Lampang Lamphun. The sample consisted of 123 staffs. Data was analyzed by using questionnaires about building an organizational commitment to promote active teachers and semi-structured interview. The statistics used in data analysis were frequency, average, standard deviation.

The results of the research revealed that schools in the Secondary school consortium Srivijaya the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Lampang Lamphun. There was a building an organizational commitment to promote active teachers at a very high level from Maximum to minimum. Firstly, the aspect of willingness to work for the organization. Secondly, the aspect of believing in accepting the organization's core value. And finally, the aspect of need to maintain membership in the organization. The guidelines of building an organizational commitment to promote active teachers consisted of 3 aspects, totaling 9 guidelines such as the aspect of believing in accepting the organization's core value. There are 3 items. The aspect of willingness to work for the organization. There are 3 items. And the aspect of need to maintain membership in the organization. There are 3 items.

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How to Cite
Wongtankad, J., Chuanwon , C. ., & Prasomsuk, T. . (2024). The guidelines of building an Organizational Commitment to Promote Active Teachers of Schools in the Secondary school consortium Srivijaya the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Lampang Lamphun. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 10(2), 100–114. retrieved from


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