Diagnosis of Misconceptions in Mathematics on Exponents of Matthayom Sueksa Two Students at Ramkhamhaeng University Demonstration School (Secondary Level)

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Phenpaka Chueabun
Nopporn Yamsang
Woranuch Yamsang



The Objective of this research was to study the constructs diagnosis of misconceptions in mathematics on exponents for Matthayom Sueksa Two students at Ramkhamhaeng University Demonstration School (RUDS) (Secondary Level). The sample population consisted of forty-five Matthayom Sueksa two students in one classroom at Ramkhamhaeng University Demonstration School (RUDS) (Secondary Level) using the technique of cluster sampling. The research instrument was a parallel four multiple-choice test of thirty-four items with the reliability of .889. The congruence of the response distribution of the test was determined from the responses by using the technique of chi-square ( ) twice. The responses of students on misconceptions were analyzed using the percentage of each choice and the items the students wrongly selected more than or about fifty percent.

The results of the research revealed. (1) The aspect of using definitions, theorems, formulas, regulations and property measured by seven pairs of tests (fourteen items) found the following. There were three pairs of tests where greater than fifty percent of the students gave wrong responses. The students exhibited misconceptions at the highest level in writing numbers in the form of scientific notations. (2) The aspect of calculation or operations measured by seven pairs of tests (fourteen items) found the following. There were five pairs of tests where greater than fifty percent of the students gave wrong responses. The students exhibited misconceptions at the highest level in the division of exponents. (3) The aspect of interpretation from problems measured by using three pairs of tests (six items) found the following. The students gave wrong responses greater than fifty percent in three pairs of tests. The students exhibited misconceptions at the highest level in writing symbolic sentences. The students could not write symbolic sentences from language sentences.

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How to Cite
Chueabun, . P. ., Yamsang, N., & Yamsang, W. . (2024). Diagnosis of Misconceptions in Mathematics on Exponents of Matthayom Sueksa Two Students at Ramkhamhaeng University Demonstration School (Secondary Level). Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 10(2), 38–51. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rpu/article/view/281191


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