Roles of Human Resource in Thailand’s Government Organizations in the Digital Era

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Nattagorn Watto



This article aims to present the roles of human resource in Thailand’s government organizations in the Digital Era. Presenting the changes of Thai government organizations under the globalization trend, disruptive changes which occur in the digital aspect. It is             a factor causing the concept of being the Thai government in the digital era (Digital Government) to increase the efficiency of government administration in this regard. Thailand in the digital age has affected the career disruption of human resource developers of Thai government organizations which must focus on the development of government personnel to be highly competent to change. The result of the study concludes that the roles of human resource professionals in Thai government organizations in the digital era are: 1) being a human resource professional who understands technology 2) being a strategic human resource management planner 3) being a communicator and coordinating internal operations organization and 4) being a management link and develop the potential of personnel in the digital era. In addition, human resource professionals in Thai government organizations in the digital era must focus on guidelines for the management and development of government personnel in the digital era, namely: 1) development of work ecosystems that promote and support learning and personnel development 2) Developing skills frameworks for working in the digital age and the 21st century and creating innovations that respond to mission-driven development plans, and 3) cultivating government personnel to have a learning framework. and self-development, focusing on the common good able to apply international principles appropriately and can operate effectively in a digital technology-driven environment.

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How to Cite
Watto, N. (2024). Roles of Human Resource in Thailand’s Government Organizations in the Digital Era. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 10(2), 1–22. retrieved from
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