Health Literacy for Stroke and Prevention Behavior of the Risk of Palsy for Higher Educational Staff in Nonthaburi Province

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Nontraree Sajjathram


The purposes of this research were to study 1) health literacy level for stroke and prevention behavior of the risk of palsy for higher educational staff in Nonthaburi Province, 2) relationship between health literacy factors for stroke and prevention behavior of the risk of palsy, and 3) prediction variable of health literacy effected of stroke and prevention behavior of the risk of palsy. The sample consisted of 169 staffs of two higher educational institutions in Nonthaburi province. The instrument was questionnaire. Statistics for data analysis were percentage, frequency, standard deviation, Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis.

The results showed that: 1) Health literacy level for stroke of higher educational staff over all were moderate level (mean=91.67, SD=8.86) and prevention behavior of the risk of palsy for higher educational staff over all were moderate level (mean=51.06, SD=5.33). 2) The relationship between health literacy factor for stroke and prevention behavior of the risk of palsy for higher educational staff there were statistically significant positive correlations all 6 variables at ≤ .01 level. 3) The predictor variable of health literacy effected of stroke and prevention behavior of the risk of palsy were R = 0.526 that can explain the variation and prevention behavior of the risk of palsy for higher educational staff were 37.8 (R2=0.378) and the independent variables that predicted the higher educational staff to stroke and prevention behavior of the risk of palsy the forecasting equation that can constructed in the unstandardized score y= 21.232 + 0.684 (access skill) + 1.365 (self-management skill) the standardized score y=0.295 (Access Skill) + 0.386 (self-management skill).

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How to Cite
Sajjathram, N. (2024). Health Literacy for Stroke and Prevention Behavior of the Risk of Palsy for Higher Educational Staff in Nonthaburi Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 10(1), 274–289. retrieved from


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