Factors Affecting Purchase Intention of Plant-Base Products

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สิรวิชญ์ ขวัญอ่อน
Rujipas Potongsangarun


This research purpose was to study the influence of psychological factors, subjective norms, health value, positive outcome expectations, hedonic expectations, and perceived corporate social responsibility that affect the intention to purchase plant-based products of consumer. The methodology was online questionnaires that passed content validity. Data were collected from a group of consumers who were aged 15 years or above through an online platform of 400 samplings. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and hypothesis testing by Inferential Statistics with multiple regression.

The research showed that subjective norms, health value, positive outcome expectations, and perceived corporate social responsibility were influenced by the intention to purchase plant-based products by consumers with a statistically significant .05. The Multiple Correlation is at the medium level (R=0.788). R square is equal to 62.10% and the standard error of the estimate is equal to 0.38652 (SEE=0.38652). Most factors that affect the Intention to Purchase Plant-Based Products of consumers are Health Value, perceived corporate social responsibility, positive outcome expectations, and subjective norms. The regression coefficient is equal to 0.380, 0.243, 0.217, and 0.118 respectively while psychological factors, and hedonic expectations did not influence the intention to purchase plant-based products of consumers.

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How to Cite
ขวัญอ่อน ส., & Potongsangarun, R. (2024). Factors Affecting Purchase Intention of Plant-Base Products. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 10(1), 111–124. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rpu/article/view/277476


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