Academic Administration Strategies for Excellence of Schools under Nakhon Nayok Primary Educational Service Area Office

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Choosak Cheamchon
Paradee Anannawee
Lieutenant Commander Navatreepongthep Jiraro


The objectives of this research were to: 1) analyze the components of academic administration towards excellence, 2) create a strategy for academic administration toward excellence, and 3) try out and evaluate the strategy for academic administration toward excellence of schools under Nakhon Nayok Primary Educational Service Area Office. The population in this research was divided into 3 groups: group one, 300 school educational personnel under Nakhon Nayok Primary Educational Service Area Office; group two, 12 experts; and group three, 20 users. The research tools were a questionnaire, an interview form, and an interview form using an assessment form. Data analysis used exploratory factor analysis, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and content analysis.

The results showed that 1) Components of academic administration towards excellence consist of 5 main components, 30 variables as follows: (1) component SE: Supervision in Education, 8 variables; (2) component AL: Active Learning, 4 variables; (3) components
T: Training, 5 variables; (4) component I: Innovation, 8 variables; and (5) component E: Evaluation, 5 variables, which can explain 74.229 percent of the variance for the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) has a value of .850. 2) Academic administration strategy for school excellence under Nakhon Nayok Primary Educational Service Area Office, called SEALTIE strategy, consisting of 4 parts: Part 1, strategy implementation guidelines, there are 5 strategies, including strategy 1. SE: Supervision in Education, strategy 2. AL: Active Learning in management, strategy 3. T: Training and development, strategy 4. I: Innovation, strategy 5. E: Evaluation, there are a total of 30 methods; Part 2 Academic Leadership; Part 3 Participation in Academic Administration; Part 4 Academic Administration Process. 3) Results of strategy trials and evaluation of feasibility and usefulness: Overall, it has the highest average level.

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How to Cite
Cheamchon, C., Anannawee, P., & Jiraro, L. C. N. (2024). Academic Administration Strategies for Excellence of Schools under Nakhon Nayok Primary Educational Service Area Office. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 10(1), 67–82. retrieved from


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