Public Policies for Rental Property Business

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Budsaya Songsaard
Arun Raktham
Charn Tharawas
Pensri Chirinang


This article is a study of public policy related to the rental property business. Its purpose is to present public policies related to current rental property business and propose guidelines for setting policies that are appropriate for future rental property business. This business is important to the development of Thailand because it is a residence for low-income immigrants coming to work in the city. These people are main workers for driving the country.  Currently, the business is heavily affected by the COVID-19 pandemic crisis, resulting in workers having to move back to their hometowns due to unemployment.  As a result, the number of residents is decreased.  From the study, it was found that public policies related to rental property business include legal type policy, and credit support policy. The government sector can provide assistance by setting policies to meet the needs of rental property business by improving an appropriate loan model, improving the law to facilitate compliance, and encourage entrepreneurs to register as legal entities which will receive promotion and develop thoroughly, as well as keep up with future changing situations. The government is able to collect additional revenue. As a result, the economic structure of the country will be stronger. Rental property business will be able to overcome the crisis and pass on the benefits received to the group of residents who are an important force in driving the country forward.

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How to Cite
Songsaard, B., Raktham, A., Tharawas, C., & Chirinang, P. (2024). Public Policies for Rental Property Business. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 10(1), 1–17. retrieved from
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