The Path of Influence on the Decision to Study in the Modern Trade Business Management Course of Students in 3 Border Provinces in Yala Rajabhat University

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Manus Suttikan
Theerawee Waratornpaibul


The objectives of this research were to 1) analyze the influence path of a decision to study in the Modern Trade Business Management Course of students in 3 border provinces at Yala Rajabhat University and 2) test the relationship of the influence path on the decision to study in the Modern Trade Business Management Course of students in 3 border provinces at Yala Rajabhat University. The sample of 316 samples used consists of three schools, including Azizstan Foundation School (Pattani Province), Tham Wittaya Foundation School (Yala Province), and Attarkiah Islamiah Institute (Narathiwat Province), and uses multi-stage random sampling. Data were collected using a questionnaire through Google Forms. This research was statistically analyzed using Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) techniques.

The research results found that factors directly affecting the decision to study in the Modern Trade Business Management Course at Yala Rajabhat University were two factors: 1) internal decision-making behavior factors and 2) external decision-making behavior factors, while marketing strategies and perceived factors were influential factors supporting the final decision to study in the Modern Trade Business Management Course at Yala Rajabhat University.

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Suttikan, M., & Waratornpaibul, T. (2023). The Path of Influence on the Decision to Study in the Modern Trade Business Management Course of Students in 3 Border Provinces in Yala Rajabhat University. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 9(3), 384–401. retrieved from


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