Floating Market Tourism Management

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Sasikan Phlykhumphol
Athithat Sirawaritsara
Thitima Holumyong
Amnuay Boonratmaitree


The objectives of this research were to 1) describe the context of sustainable management of floating market tourism in the central region, 2) identify the problem of sustainable management of floating market tourism in the central region, 3) present a sustainable management model for floating market tourism in the central region. This research using qualitative methods. The target group was 5 government representatives, 4 entrepreneur representatives, 6 tourist representatives, and 5 community representatives. Purposive sampling was used and collected data from documents, non-participant observation, and an interview. The data were analyzed using descriptive analysis.

The research results showed that: 1) Floating market management was implemented by the floating market committee and focused on creating economic sustainability by generating local income and showing social responsibility. 2) The sustainable management problem of floating market tourism in the central region is a structural problem of the system. This was a matter of clarity in the authority of the relevant agencies, including problems in coordination. 3) The floating market tourism management model is to create participation among government sectors, floating market administrators, and shop operators by holding regular brainstorming meetings and allowing the community to participate in expressing opinions and making decisions.

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How to Cite
Phlykhumphol, S., Sirawaritsara, A., Holumyong, T., & Boonratmaitree, A. (2023). Floating Market Tourism Management . Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 9(3), 324–338. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rpu/article/view/274262


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