Guidelines for Learning Resources Management in the 21st Century in Schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Nonthaburi

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Yatima Kosaisuwan
Chalabhorn Suwansumrit


The objectives of this research were to 1) study learning resource management in the 21st century according to the opinions of school administrators and teachers, 2) compare learning resource management in the 21st century in schools classified by age, work experience, and the size of the school, and 3) study the guidelines for learning resource management in the 21st century in schools. The research procedure included two stages. The first stage was a study of learning resource management in the 21st century in schools. The sample consisted of 318 school administrations and teachers under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Nonthaburi. The research instrument employed was a questionnaire. The reliability of the questionnaire was at 0.98. Statistical analysis was conducted using mean, standard deviation, One-way ANOVA, and LSD. The second stage was to present guidelines for developing learning resource management in the 21st century in schools. The key informants, obtained from purposive sampling, included 5 experts. The research instrument was a semi-structured interview and analyzed the data with content analysis techniques.

The research results were as follows: 1) The overall learning resource management in the 21st century in schools was at a high level. The step with the highest average value was the learning center management planning step, followed by the implementation step according to the learning center management plan, and the level with the lowest average was the conclusion and development of learning resources, 2) School administrators and teachers with different ages and work experience had different opinions on the learning resource management in the 21st century in schools overall at statistical significance at the .05 level, the different sizes of the schools had no different opinion, and 3) Guidelines for learning resource management in the 21st century consist of planning for learning resource management, implementing the learning resource management plan, inspecting, monitoring, evaluating, concluding, and developing the learning resources.

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How to Cite
Kosaisuwan, Y., & Suwansumrit, C. (2023). Guidelines for Learning Resources Management in the 21st Century in Schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Nonthaburi. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 9(3), 242–261. retrieved from


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