New Generation Entrepreneur’s Success in Selling Products through Facebook

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Siri Poopongwatana


The objectives of the research were to 1) study key performance indicators of the success of new generation entrepreneurs in selling products through Facebook, 2) study marketing components such as marketing mix, competitors, and customers. Using qualitative research methods, 1) conducted in-depth interviews with 35 young entrepreneurs in Bangkok and Nonthaburi, and 2) analyzed the data using SWOT analysis and the Five Force Model.

The research results found that: 1) New generation entrepreneur using revenue and profit as main key performance indicators. And 2) minor key performance indicators were 1. need to survivor and business growth 2. benefit for social and family 3. entreprenure’s need such as pride, 2) Most of new generation entrepreneurs used marketing mix as a suitable tool. Product should difference from competitor. Using discount is a key factor. Selling products through Facebook and other social media such as IG, Line, website, YouTube and others. They had to make some promotion by events, advertising is necessary. There were many competitors and there were difference customers. The benefits of this research is for new generation entrepreneurs and others to apply for their business in the future.

The objectives of the research were to 1) study key performance indicators of the success of new generation entrepreneurs in selling products through Facebook, 2) study marketing components such as marketing mix, competitors, and customers. Using qualitative research methods, 1) conducted in-depth interviews with 35 young entrepreneurs in Bangkok and Nonthaburi, and 2) analyzed the data using SWOT analysis and the Five Force Model.

The research results found that: 1) New generation entrepreneur using revenue and profit as main key performance indicators. And 2) minor key performance indicators were 1. need to survivor and business growth 2. benefit for social and family 3. entreprenure’s need such as pride, 2) Most of new generation entrepreneurs used marketing mix as a suitable tool. Product should difference from competitor. Using discount is a key factor. Selling products through Facebook and other social media such as IG, Line, website, YouTube and others. They had to make some promotion by events, advertising is necessary. There were many competitors and there were difference customers. The benefits of this research is for new generation entrepreneurs and others to apply for their business in the future.

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How to Cite
Poopongwatana, S. (2023). New Generation Entrepreneur’s Success in Selling Products through Facebook. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 9(3), 230–241. retrieved from


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