Studying the Effectiveness of Innovative Learning Networks to Promote and Develop Agricultural Tourism Community Enterprises and Farmer Maid Networks in Samut Songkhram Province to Have the Capacity According to The King's Philosophy

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Chumpon Rodjam
Boonchan Phansuwan


This research objective was to study the effectiveness of learning network innovations to promote and develop agritourism community enterprises and farmer maid networks in Samut Songkhram province according to the King's philosophy. The sample was divided into 2 groups: the first group was the development of innovative learning networks to promote and develop agritourism community enterprises, and farmer maid networks in Samut Songkhram province have the capability according to the King's Philosophy, which is a group of 5 experts; and the second group was the agricultural tourism community enterprise, which has 250 people in Samut Songkhram province. The interview data were analyzed using the mean, standard deviation, and content analysis.

The results of the assessment of accuracy, suitability, feasibility, and usefulness of learning network innovations to promote and develop agritourism community enterprises and farmer maid networks have the capability, according to the King's Philosophy of Samut Songkhram province. The overall average was at its highest level. The results of the evaluation of the suitability of each of the results of the documentation manual are reasonable, the overall average is at a high level, and the results of the satisfaction assessment of the training on the community enterprise marketer course show that the overall average satisfaction was at the highest level. In conclusion, learning network innovations to promote and develop agritourism community enterprises and farmer maid networks to have the capability according to the King's Philosophy of Samut Songkhram province. Accuracy, suitability, feasibility, and usefulness of the model.

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How to Cite
Rodjam, C., & Phansuwan, B. (2023). Studying the Effectiveness of Innovative Learning Networks to Promote and Develop Agricultural Tourism Community Enterprises and Farmer Maid Networks in Samut Songkhram Province to Have the Capacity According to The King’s Philosophy. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 9(3), 215–229. retrieved from


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