The Development of Supplementary Exercises for Inferential Statistics of Undergraduates Students in Christian University

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Ratinan Chinda
Wilaiwan Thongbaion
Apinun Untaweesin


The purposes of this research were to 1) study the learning achievement of the students before and after the study with the Supplementary Exercises for Inferential Statistics, and 2) study the students' satisfaction toward learning by using the Supplementary Exercises for Inferential Statistics. The instruments for the research were the Supplementary Exercises for Inferential Statistics, the 2 parallel sets of Learning Achievement Test before and after learning by using the Supplementary Exercises for Inferential Statistics, and the Student Satisfaction Questionnaire on the Supplementary Exercises for Inferential Statistics. Data were collected from a sample of 30 first-year students who enrolled in the TSTA3102 Principle of Statistics course by using convenience sampling. The scores of the 2 parallel sets of Learning Achievement Test before and after learning by using the Supplementary Exercises for Inferential Statistics were analyzed by using the nonparametric Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed rank test and the data from the Student Satisfaction Questionnaire on the Supplementary Exercises for Inferential Statistics were analyzed by using mean and standard deviation.

The research results found that: 1) the learners' scores from taking the learning achievement test after learning by using the Supplementary Exercises for Inferential Statistics were significantly higher than before (z=-4.79, p=0.00) at the level of .05, and 2) the learners' satisfaction on the Supplementary Exercises for Inferential Statistics overall was at a high level.

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How to Cite
Chinda, R., Thongbaion, W., & Untaweesin, A. (2023). The Development of Supplementary Exercises for Inferential Statistics of Undergraduates Students in Christian University. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 9(3), 165–182. retrieved from


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