Intention to Purchase and Purchasing Behavior on Remanufactured Toner Cartridge of Thai Consumers

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Chattayaporn Samerjai
Soibubpha Sartmoon
Supawat Sukhaparamate


The objectives of this research were to study 1) level of affecting factor on intention to purchase and purchasing behavior on remanufactured toner cartridge of Thai consumer 2) level of intention to purchase on remanufactured toner cartridge of Thai consumer 3) level of purchasing behavior on remanufactured toner cartridge of Thai consumer 4) compare the level of affecting factor on intention to purchase remanufactured toner cartridge of Thai consumer classify by demographic 5) compare the level of intention to purchase remanufactured toner cartridge of Thai consumer classify by demographic, and 6) compare the level of purchasing behavior on remanufactured toner cartridge of Thai consumer classify by demographic. Using an online questionnaire to collect data from 402 Thai consumers. The statistics to analyze the data were frequency percentage mean, standard deviation, t-test, and One One-way ANOVA.

The results showed that; 1) the respondents considered purchasing ink cartridges based on the convenience of purchasing and using the most as the first priority followed by quality, print resolution, reasonable price, and number of printed pages, respectively. 2) There was a greater awareness of printer maintenance risks, followed by the risk of quality not meeting the standard, and the risk of hazardous emissions, respectively. 3) Environmental awareness was the most important issue, followed by benefit awareness. 4) Self-control awareness was the last purchase intent and purchase behavior of remanufactured cartridges at a high level. 5) The respondents with gender, age, occupation and income, including purchase behavior of remanufactured cartridge products in terms of the number of purchases per time and frequency of purchases were different. 6) The factors affecting purchase intent and purchase behavior; and purchase intent and purchase behavior of remanufactured cartridges were different with statistical significance at the .05 level.

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How to Cite
Samerjai, C., Sartmoon, S., & Sukhaparamate, S. (2023). Intention to Purchase and Purchasing Behavior on Remanufactured Toner Cartridge of Thai Consumers. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 9(2), 375–391. retrieved from


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