Brand and Packaging Design of Bhu than Fairy Mushrooms Pang Makha Subdistrict Khanu Woralaksaburi District Kamphaengphet Province

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Kununya Benjawan
Prapatsorn Kleebprathum
Anantitra Donbanthao


The purposes of this research were 1) to design the brand and packaging of Bhutan Fairy Mushrooms, Pang Makha Subdistrict, Khanu Woralaksaburi District, Kamphaeng Phet Province. 2) To study the brand and packaging satisfaction of Bhutan fairy mushrooms, Pang Makha Sub-district, Khanu Woralaksaburi District, Kamphaeng Phet Province. The sample group used in this study were 35 students of Pang Makha Wittayakom School and 400 students and consumers who were customers had bought fairy mushrooms of Pang Makha Wittayakom School. and using statistics for analysis such as frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation.

The results found that 1) Bhutan oyster mushroom brand and packaging according to the standards of the Department of Industrial Promotion can actually be used and meet the needs of consumers, and 2) Satisfaction in brand assessment in brand design techniques found that overall satisfaction was at a high level. Regarding the use of shapes, it was found that the overall satisfaction was at a high level. The color use was found that the overall satisfaction was at a high level. In terms of brand types, it was found that overall satisfaction was at a high level. Packaging evaluation satisfaction in terms of product protection, it was found that the overall satisfaction was at a high level. In terms of facilities, it was found that overall satisfaction was at a high level. In terms of sales promotion, it was found that the overall satisfaction was at a high level. In terms of cleanliness and safety, it was found that overall satisfaction was at a high level.

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How to Cite
Benjawan, K., Kleebprathum, P., & Donbanthao, A. (2023). Brand and Packaging Design of Bhu than Fairy Mushrooms Pang Makha Subdistrict Khanu Woralaksaburi District Kamphaengphet Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 9(2), 83–94. retrieved from


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