The Development Infographic Animation “Photography Composition” to Encourage Learning Achievement in Primary 6 Students in “Snapshot for Kids” subject of Ramkhamhaeng University Demonstration School (Elementary Level)

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Achiraya Attapolsil
Thanabhum Sunartvanichkul


The objectives of this study were to 1) to develop infographic animation “Photography Composition” to meet the efficiency level of 80/80, 2) to compare the pre-test and post-test scores of students in achievement of learning using the developed infographic animation “Photography Composition”, and 3) to study the students’ satisfaction with the developed infograpic animation “Photography Composition”. Samples were from 20 Primary 6 students studying in the second semester of the academic year of 2019 at Ramkhamhaeng University Demonstration School (Elementary Level). The samples were chosen by purposive sampling from students who choose to study in the “Snapshot for Kids” subject. Research tools were infographic animation “Photography Composition”, achievement tests, and a questionnaire asking about satisfaction with infograpic animation “Photography Composition”. The statistics used in the research were percentage, mean, standard deviation, and t-test dependent samples.

It was found that 1) Infographic animation “Photography Composition” meet the efficiency level of 81.66/85.30 2) Students’ achievement of learning after the media implementation was significantly higher than that before the media implementation at the .05 level. 3) their overall satisfaction toward with infograpic animation “Photography Composition” was at a high level with an average score of 4.38.

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How to Cite
Attapolsil, A., & Sunartvanichkul, T. (2022). The Development Infographic Animation “Photography Composition” to Encourage Learning Achievement in Primary 6 Students in “Snapshot for Kids” subject of Ramkhamhaeng University Demonstration School (Elementary Level) . Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 8(3), 130–145. retrieved from


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