Lifelong Learning Skills for Children in Foster Homes

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Pimrat Komalarachun
Wirathep Pathumcharoenwattana
Teerasak Srisurakul


The objective of this study was to study the lifelong learning skills needed for children in foster homes in preparing children to return to society. This study used mixed methods research. In-depth interviews were used to collect data from 9 people who used to be a child in foster homes and were successful in life when they left for real society, and 9 supervisors from their office. A questionnaire was used to collect data from 296 children aged 15-18 at 16 current government foster homes across the country, and from 219 foster homes staff. The findings indicated that lifelong learning skills needed for children in the foster home include Creativity skills (mean=3.62, SD=0.76), Cross-cultural Understanding cooperation with various networks, and teamwork skills (mean=3.58 SD=0.83), Critical thinking and problem-solving skills (mean=3.55, SD=0.72), Mental health and stress management skills, Compassionate and ethical skills (mean=3.55, SD=0.76), Career and time management skills (mean=3.53, SD=0.75), Writing skill (mean=3.51, SD=0.76), Reading skill (mean=3.49, SD=0.79), Computer Information Communication and media literacy skills (mean=3.44, SD=0.78), Financial skills (mean=3.41, SD=0.78) and Calculation skills (mean=3.20, SD=0.79).

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How to Cite
Komalarachun, P., Pathumcharoenwattana, W., & Srisurakul, T. (2023). Lifelong Learning Skills for Children in Foster Homes. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 9(1), 440–455. retrieved from


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