Cultural Tourism Development: A Case Study of a Vegetarian Tradition and Worshipping at Shrines in Phuket Province

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Bunpa Kamwiset


This research aimed to study peoples’ behavior of cultural tourism: a case study of vegetarian festival and worship at shrines in Phuket. To compare Thai tourists’ opinions towards factors influencing of cultural tourism: a case study of vegetarian festival and worship at shrines in Phuket. To study correlation towards factors influencing of cultural tourism: a case study of vegetarian festival and worship at shrines in Phuket and to determine the guidelines for the development of cultural tourism. The samples in this study were a group of 60 officers from 6 shrines, representatives from government agencies involved in cultural tourism development. In Phuket such as Phuket Tourism Authority A total of 10 people were selected by purposive sampling. As for determining the groups of tourists visiting the 6 shrines of 330 people and using the accidental sampling method, data were analyzed by percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, One-way ANOVA, and Pearson Product Moment Correlation.

It was found that; 1) Cultural tourism behavior found that the frequency of traveling for more than 3 periods of travel time was regular vacation and weekend. Relaxation and study culture traditional were purpose of traveling in Phuket. Media that provides information of cultural tourism was an online media and telling. 2) Comparison of the opinions of Thai tourists on cultural tourism factors found that different genders of tourists were factors that affect tourism are not different., age, status, occupation, average monthly income Different education and domiciles of tourists had different factors affecting tourism as a whole with a statistically significant difference at the .05. 3) The relationship of factors in frequency, duration, time period, purpose of travel and media receiving information affect cultural tourism at the level of statistical significance of .05 4) Suggestions for the development of cultural tourism: a case study of a Vegetarian Tradition and Worshipping at Shrines in Phuket Province is the concept of promoting the restoration of Chinese shrines and nearby areas. For the convenience of tourists, the service and attitude of the host should be adjusted and standardized for better service. Overall the service is satisfactory. Public relations media should be distributed to tourists to get good information and more vegetarian food should be provided.

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How to Cite
Kamwiset, B. (2022). Cultural Tourism Development: A Case Study of a Vegetarian Tradition and Worshipping at Shrines in Phuket Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 8(3), 463–477. retrieved from


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