Management Guidelines for Private Early Childhood Learning Centers towards at the Standards of The Ministry of Social Development and Human Security

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Yada Janejatupat
Kriangkrai Satjaharuthai
Pattrawadee Makmee


The purposes of this research were to study the components of management and develop guidelines for the management of private early childhood education learning centers in order to reach the National Childhood Center Standards, Ministry of Social Development and Human Security. This research employs a qualitative research methodology by  documentary research, in-depth interviews, and brainstorming sessions. The respondents were representatives of private early childhood learning centers at Received the National Quality Assessment Award 2017 for 10 people. By using a selective approach to centers with the context of private early childhood learning centers with children aged from birth to 6 years. The results of the study on the components of the management of private early childhood education learning centers revealed that the management was in accordance with the guidelines of the private early childhood learning centers. Qualifications of early childhood care and development requirements, early childhood education learning centers are in a suitable environment, there is a good level of cleaning, drills are practiced, fire and accident prevention plans are available, and they are involved with related external departments. Guidelines for the management of early childhood education learning centers should adopt the POSDCoRB principle in management and the self-assessment manual should be used to assess private early childhood learning centers in the analysis of the assessment results. Themselves in order to use the results as a guideline for improvement to meet the criteria of the learning center more effectively.

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How to Cite
Janejatupat, Y., Satjaharuthai, K., & Makmee, P. (2022). Management Guidelines for Private Early Childhood Learning Centers towards at the Standards of The Ministry of Social Development and Human Security. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 8(3), 447–462. retrieved from


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