Legal Problems and Obstacles Regarding the Power and Duties of the Housing Community Juristic Person According to the National Housing Act BE 2537

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Jittin Rotboonsongsri


The objectives of this research were to study 1) Background, concepts, theories, and general principles concerning the housing community juristic person as well as the powers and duties of the housing community juristic person, 2) Legal Measures Related to Housing Community Juristic Persons, 3) Analyze legal problems and obstacles regarding the powers and duties of the housing community juristic person, and 4) Suggest solutions to the housing community juristic person problem.

The results of the research revealed that the establishment of a housing community juristic person was not as successful as it should be, been due to problems of powers and duties in the management of public utilities and assets that are used together, problems with the power and duty of collecting central expenses of the housing community juristic person, problems with penalties for members of the housing community juristic person who does not pay for service or late payment, problems on the right to litigate the Housing Community Juristic Person and the Housing Community Juristic Person Member.

Therefore, it has studied facts and legal issues related to the powers and duties of the housing community juristic person. The study was compared with the juristic person housing under the Land Allocation Act B.E. 2543 and related laws of foreign countries. To be used as a guideline for improvement Additional provisions of the law to be able to be effectively enforced in accordance with the intent of the National Housing Act, B.E.2537.

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How to Cite
Rotboonsongsri, J. (2022). Legal Problems and Obstacles Regarding the Power and Duties of the Housing Community Juristic Person According to the National Housing Act BE 2537. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 8(3), 340–356. retrieved from


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