People's Attitudes towards Public Service Management of Mueang Nonthaburi Provincial Police Station

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Pol.Snr.Sgt.Maj.Phachara Sang-arun
Saovanard Leklersindhu


The objectives of this research were to investigate and to compare people's attitudes towards public service management of Mueang Nonthaburi Provincial Police Station. The sample of this research was 399 service users in the area of responsibility of Mueang Nonthaburi Police Station. The questionnaire was used as a research tool. The statistics used in the data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, and one-way ANOVA.

The major findings indicated that people's attitude towards the overall public service management of Mueang Nonthaburi Provincial Police Station was at a high level. When individual aspects were considered, all aspects, namely: tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy were at a high level respectively. The results of comparing people's attitudes towards public service management of Mueang Nonthaburi Provincial Police Station, classified by personal status. It was found that people who used services at Muang Nonthaburi Police Station with different gender, age, educational level, marital status and average monthly income had no different level of attitude towards the public service arrangement of the Muang Nonthaburi Provincial Police Station.

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How to Cite
Sang-arun, P., & Leklersindhu, S. (2022). People’s Attitudes towards Public Service Management of Mueang Nonthaburi Provincial Police Station. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 8(3), 264–282. retrieved from


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