The Influence of Digital Marketing Tools on Consumers' Purchasing Decisions via Mobile Application of Food Delivery Businesses in Nonthaburi Province

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Saowanee Srichannil


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the purchasing decision through mobile application of food delivery business of consumers in Nonthaburi Province, 2) to study the personal factors related to the purchase decision through the mobile application of the food delivery business of consumers in Nonthaburi Province, and 3) to study digital marketing tools that affect purchasing decisions through mobile applications of food delivery businesses of consumers in Nonthaburi Province. The sample consisted of 400 people. The tool was used for data collecting was an online questionnaire via Google Forms. The statistics used were percentage, mean, standard deviation, Chi-square test, and multiple regression analysis.

The results of the research found that:

1) The decision to buy goods and services through the mobile application of the food delivery business found that the consumers are most satisfied after purchasing products via food delivery business mobile application (45.00 percent).

2) The relationship between personal factors and purchasing decisions via mobile application of food delivery business of consumers in Nonthaburi found that 1) gender and education level the purchase decision was made with the awareness of the need and behavior after purchase no difference 2) male and female make a purchase decision by searching for information. Alternative assessment purchase decision and behavior after purchase were different in all aspects different.

3) Digital marketing tools that influence purchasing decisions through mobile applications of food delivery businesses of consumers in Nonthaburi Province. It was found that the awareness of demand was a result of the website (B=.515), the result of the content marketing aspect (B=.436), the assessment of the alternatives was the result of the e-mail aspect (B=.003), the purchase decision was the result of the first page possession (B=.285), and post-purchase behavior is a result of social media (B=.202).

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How to Cite
Srichannil, S. (2022). The Influence of Digital Marketing Tools on Consumers’ Purchasing Decisions via Mobile Application of Food Delivery Businesses in Nonthaburi Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 8(3), 182–195. retrieved from


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