The Critical Factors that Affect Workplace Stress of Officials in Bangkwang Central Correction Office

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Kittichai Chairat
Kowit Kangsanan


This research aimed 1) to study the level of workplace stress of Bangkwang Central Correction Office (BCCO) Officials, and 2) to compare the level of workplace stress factors classified by personal factors. The survey study was designed to include 178 BCCO Officials as samples. Aquestionnaire utilized as a data collection tool. For data analysis and interpretation, some statistical procedures were applied such as frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, and One-way ANOVA.

The study results revealed that the overall critical factors that affected the workplace stress of the BCCO officials were at the middle level. When subdivided into individual aspects, namely progress in career, administrative work policy, characteristics of compensation and welfare, workplace environment, and work relations among colleagues, the study found that each aspect was affected at the middle level. On the comparative side, the study indicated that personal factors of the BCCO officials regarding sex, age, educational level, position level, and current monthly salary made no differences in the critical factors that affect workplace stress in the BCCO.

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How to Cite
Chairat, K., & Kangsanan, K. (2022). The Critical Factors that Affect Workplace Stress of Officials in Bangkwang Central Correction Office. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 8(3), 97–112. retrieved from


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