Reference Groups Factors Affecting Cosmetic Purchase Intention via Online Channels of Generation Y Consumers in Bangkok

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Thunyaporn Chanthawong
Sirirat Kosakarika


The purposes of this research were: 1) to study the differences of personal factors that affect cosmetic purchase intention via online channels of Generation Y consumers in Bangkok and 2) to study reference groups factors that influence cosmetic purchase intention via online channels of Generation Y consumers in Bangkok. The data were collected from 400 consumer generation Y in Bangkok by using a questionnaire. The statistic used for data analysis by descriptive Statistics were Frequency, Percentage, Mean and Standard Deviation. Besides data analysis hypothesis Testing were One-Way ANOVA (F-test), Fisher’s Least Significant Difference (LSD), and Multiple Linear Regression Analysis.

The research result revealed that demographic factors of Generation Y consumers consisting of different gender, ages, education level, and occupations have no effect on cosmetic purchase intention via online channels of Generation Y consumers in Bangkok. Only A monthly incomes differently affect with cosmetic purchase intention for the future at the .05 level and the factors of the 5 reference groups family, expert, knowledgeable, celebrity, friends, and Internet users had a significant affecting on Cosmetic Purchase Intention via Online Channels of Generation Y Consumers in Bangkok at the .05 level

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How to Cite
Chanthawong, T., & Kosakarika, S. . (2022). Reference Groups Factors Affecting Cosmetic Purchase Intention via Online Channels of Generation Y Consumers in Bangkok. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 8(2), 314–329. retrieved from


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