Development of Promoting Moral and Ethical Model for Students in Christian University of Thailand

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Sorapong Sriboonthai
Apinun Untaweesin
Chomsak Intrarak


The purpose of this study was to develop the Promoting Moral and Ethical Model for Students at the Christian University of Thailand. The sample was the committee for the development of undergraduate students and full-time lecturers, 34 people and 336 first-year students of the academic year 2020, 183 students were random with a simple drawn for the study of problem conditions by selecting representatives of each course, a total of 44 people. The research instruments consisted of a problem condition interview form, problem condition questionnaire, model of action to strengthen students' morality and ethics, model Efficiency Evaluation Form by measuring the consistency of the pattern with objectives, model trial action plan, pre-and post-test model evaluation form, evaluation form the use of the efficiency, effectiveness and value model, the model satisfaction assessment form. The investigation of the quality of the research instruments was performed by using the index of consistency of question and objective consistency by five experts. The statistics used for data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, Content analysis, and t-test.

The results found that the problems in the moral and ethical enhancement of Christian university students were moderate level. The model was composed of 3Hs activities: Head, Heart, and Hand. The efficiency value by the Item-Objective Congruence (IOC) was 1.00 for every item.  The experiment was processed with the action plan and found that the scores of post-test were higher than pre-test at the statistical significant .01 level. The moral and ethical enhancement model was the highest levels of efficiency, effectiveness, value, and satisfaction. The recommendations for the application of the moral and ethical enhancement model for university students should be varied with the various activities for different years of the students.

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How to Cite
Sriboonthai, . S., Untaweesin, A., & Intrarak, C. (2022). Development of Promoting Moral and Ethical Model for Students in Christian University of Thailand. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 8(2), 296–313. retrieved from


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