Cooperation Management Using Social Media of School Administrators and Teachers under Nonthaburi Primary Education Service Offic

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Phattharawan Ninrakphet
Chalabhorn Suwansumrit


The objectives of this research were 1) to study cooperation management by using social media,2) to compare the opinions of school administrators and teachers on cooperation management by using social media of school administrators and teachers, classified by personal status and school sizes, and 3) to propose guidelines of the cooperation management by using social media according to the opinions of school administrators and teachers. The sample group consisted of 329 school administrators and teachers, selected through stratified random sampling. The research instrument was a 5-rating scale questionnaire with an IOC validity level of 0.67–1.00 and reliability of 0.95 The data were statistically analyzed by using percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, One-Way ANOVA, LSD, and content analysis.

The research results were as follows: 1) the level of the cooperation management by using social media of school administrators and teachers under Nonthaburi Primary Education Service Area Office 1 was at the high level in overall and particular aspects in which, the highest mean was the relationship between social media users, followed by the social media selection and social the media method determination respectively, and the lowest mean was to define the content to be used for social media, 2) opinions of school administrators and teachers on the cooperation management by using social media classified by gender, age, educational background, work position, and school sizes had a difference with a statistically significant at .05 level, and 3) the guidelines of the cooperation management by using social media according to the opinions of school administrators and teachers should be focused on social media skill assessment for school administrators, teachers, and parents, especially, it should be developed about media production for personal working in schools, and prepared the equipment for social media accessibility in accordance with the needs of school administrators, teachers, and parents.

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How to Cite
Ninrakphet, P., & Suwansumrit, C. (2022). Cooperation Management Using Social Media of School Administrators and Teachers under Nonthaburi Primary Education Service Offic. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 8(2), 235–248. retrieved from


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