Evaluation of Work-integrated Learning with Internship and Cooperative Education of Student in Rajapruk University

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Nuttavut Wiset
Piangduan Kerdumpang


The purposes of this research study were 1) to study the opinion of internship and cooperative students at Rajapruek University, 2) to study the opinion of Work-integrated Learning students at Rajapruek University, and 3) to compare the level of the opinion of internship, cooperative, and Work-integrated Learning students in Rajapruek University. The samples were the students who studied in internship, cooperative, and Working-integrated Learning course in Rajapruek University, which contained 295 samples, with purposive sampling method. All samples were selected. The instrument of this research study was a questionnaire. Data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, and F-test (One–Way ANOVA). The results showed that most respondents had expectations of integrating their study with work: To gain practical experience during the doing internship and There were mentors in the workplace. These mentors were someone who had appointed at the workplace and will support you at your work to achieve the integration of study and work. Lastly, most respondent were receiving information about the WiL course clearly. For evaluating the feedback on the internship, the respondents were overall at a high level. Consideration for each aspect, the key main challenges in working with learning were overall picture at a high level and there is a critical attitude based on the experience of total quality at a high level. For testing hypothesis, the difference in faculties to which students are studying and types of internships differed the several challenges working with learning at the level .05 of significant. Finally, gender and workplace of the respondents did not differ in the feeling with WiL internships, the several challenges working with learning and attitudes associated with experiential learning at the level .05 of significant.

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How to Cite
Wiset, N., & Kerdumpang, P. (2022). Evaluation of Work-integrated Learning with Internship and Cooperative Education of Student in Rajapruk University. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 8(2), 192–204. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rpu/article/view/262979


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