Marketing Factors Influencing Thai Tourist Purchasing Selection of Indigo Dye Fabric fo

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Tinnakorn Suttiprom
Pariwat Somnuek
Pornchai Suksirisopon


This study aimed to find 1) Thai visitors’ purchasing behaviors of indigo dyed fabric in Ban Bok Community Enterprise, 2) marketing factors influencing purchasing behaviors, and 3) development guidelines of the marketing factors. For the quantitative method, the sample was a total of 400 Thai tourists visiting the Ban Bok community, collecting data from questionnaires and analyzing data by Multiple Regression. For the qualitative method, the research data was collected from eight respondents comprising committees of Ban Bok Community Enterprise, officers in Na Tan Community Development Office, and designers by using semi-structured interview forms and descriptive analysis was used for data analysis.

The findings indicated that 1) most respondents purchased the indigo-dyed fabric in the forms of skirts, trousers, and sarongs, one to two pieces per purchase within 1,001-1,500 baht in two months, for their personal uses. They made their decisions for buying by themselves and they bought the fabric at business fairs or exhibitions. However, some of them didn’t want to buy it because its design was not outstanding. 2) Predictor Variable revealed that the fabric design, the production procedures, and the product factor influenced the purchasing behaviors at 41.3%. 3) From a product perspective, the fabric design and production should be more remarkable and genuine than in other communities. Concerning the design and production, a new beautiful design and process should be established for over one using objectives by employing delicate making and applying the concept of Productive Design in order to set product qualifications.

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How to Cite
Suttiprom, T., Somnuek, P., & Suksirisopon, P. (2022). Marketing Factors Influencing Thai Tourist Purchasing Selection of Indigo Dye Fabric fo. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 8(2), 109–125. retrieved from


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