Correlation in Statistics: How to Use

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Somtawin Wijitwanna


Correlation in statistics is used to describe the relevance of two or more variables. The aim of this article is how to select and interpret the statistics used in correlation analysis. The selection of correlation statistics takes into account measurement scale of the variables and the specific conditions of those statistics. In this paper, Phi coefficient and Chi Square statistic are used to analyze the relationship of nominal scale variables. Spearman coefficient is used to analyze the relationship of the ordinal-scale variables. The Pearson coefficient is used to analyze the relationship of the interval and the ratio scale variables. The interpretations of correlation statistics are not the similar meaning. Researchers need to understand these correlation statistics. In addition, caution is required to use of correlation analysis results.

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How to Cite
Wijitwanna, S. (2022). Correlation in Statistics: How to Use. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 8(2), 1–15. retrieved from
Academic Articles


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