Educational Activities Administration for Developing 21St Century Learners' Skills of Schools under The Nonthaburi Secondary Educa

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Pongsathon Homchoo
Somtawin Wijitwanna


The objectives were to study and compare the opinions of administrators and teachers in educational activities administration for developing 21st century learners' skills in schools under The Nonthaburi Secondary Educational Service Area Office classified by position, work experience, and school size. Including studying the guidelines for educational activities to develop learning skills in the 21st century. The samples were 333 teachers and administrators, selected through stratified random sampling. The research instrument was a five rating scales questionnaire, which item validity IOC between 0.67-1.00 and reliability alpha Cronbach was 0.95, The statistics used for analyzing the data were percentage, mean standard deviation, t-test, One-way ANOVA, and content analysis.

The results showed Educational Activities Administration for Developing 21St Century Learners' Skills of Schools under The Nonthaburi Secondary Educational Service Area Office was rated at a high level as a whole and in each aspect which the mean score from high to low: life and work skills Information activities, media and technology skills activities, and learning and innovation skills activities. In the comparison of the opinions of administrators and teachers classified by job position, there were no differences in opinions regarding the activities overall and each aspect. The administrators and teachers with work experience in schools of different sizes. There are different opinions towards educational activities administration to improve learning skills in the overall 21st century. Guidance on organizing educational activities to develop learners' skills in the 21st century, school administrators should synthesize the guidelines for educational activities administration, cooperate and coordinate among school personnel using the PDCA process must be continued. Encouraging teachers to use media and technology and design activities that transform the subject matter to learning for living, emphasizing a learning community that encourages students to create knowledge create work according to their ability.

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How to Cite
Homchoo, P., & Wijitwanna, S. (2022). Educational Activities Administration for Developing 21St Century Learners’ Skills of Schools under The Nonthaburi Secondary Educa. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 8(1), 157–172. retrieved from


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