The Study of Internal Control Systems of Foundations in Phuket

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Saovalak Chaiyanan


The objectives of this survey research were to study the internal control systems of foundations in Phuket. The population of this research was 115 foundations registered in Phuket. The tool used for this research was a questionnaire and the statistics used for data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation.

The results were 1) the internal control system of most foundations in Phuket is sufficient but there are still some flaws, and if considering each component in all 5 aspects according to the principles of COSO, it is found that the components are ranked in order of average scores from highest to lowest, namely the Element 3 Control activities, Element 5 Monitoring activities, Element 1 Control environment, Element 4 Information and Communication, and Element 2 Risk assessment. 2) the problems and obstacles of most foundations were that the low level, such as the executives of the foundation do not give importance to an internal control system or very little importance, the foundation has no specific responsibility person for internal control.

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How to Cite
Chaiyanan, S. (2022). The Study of Internal Control Systems of Foundations in Phuket . Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 8(1), 50–65. retrieved from


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