The Style of Packaging that Affects the Decision of Purchasing Bakery Products among Consumers in Nonthaburi Province

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Jenipa Kong-im


The purposes of this research were to 1) study the consumers’ buying process on bakery products in Nonthaburi Province. 2) study the packaging styles affected consumers’ buying decisions on bakery products in Nonthaburi Province. 3) compare the packaging styles that affected the consumers’ buying process on bakery products in Nonthaburi Province classifying by demographic characteristic. 4) compare the consumers’ buying process on bakery products in Nonthaburi Province classifying by demographic characteristic. 5) study the relationship of the packaging styles and the consumers’ buying process on bakery products in Nonthaburi Province. The sample size of this research was 400 people. The tool of data collection was questionnaires. The statistics for data analysis, besides; were frequency. percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, One-Way ANOVA, and Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient.

The result found that the consumers’ buying process on bakery products in Nonthaburi Province in term of problems recognition process was the reputation of the bakery shop. Secondly, the information search process was to investigate information. Thirdly, the evaluation of the alternatives process was the credibility of bakery shop. Fourthly, the purchase decision process involved the involvement of buyers and family members. Lastly, the post-purchase behavior process keeps on buying bakery products. The packaging styles of bakery products that affected on consumers’ buying process were as followed: light weight packaging material, attracted shape, various sizes to choose, showing trusted brand name and manufacturer, packaging colors well matched with products, and easy to read on packaging design, in respectively.

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How to Cite
Kong-im, J. (2021). The Style of Packaging that Affects the Decision of Purchasing Bakery Products among Consumers in Nonthaburi Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 7(Special), 342–358. retrieved from


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