Basic Rules and Regulations Perception of Generation X and Generation Y with Traveling by Low Cost Airlines

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Suvamet Bunyarat
Waraporn Temkaew
Apirada Namsang


The purposes of the study were to 1) study the perception of basic regulations on air traveling by low cost airlines between two generations which are generation X and generation Y; and 2) demonstrate the patterns of media involving in presenting basic regulations on air traveling of low cost airlines’ passengers. A sample of 400 cases were drawn from passengers of generation X and generation Y traveling with low-cost airlines at Don Mueang International Airport. This study was a descriptive research using statistical method.

The research result points that 1) the perception of basic regulations of generation X and generation Y were similar but there were also differences in influencing factors and perceptive channels resulting in more understanding of basic regulations in generation Y than generation X. The influencing factors were perceptive factors from individuals and stimulating factors. However, the main reason that generation Y tended to have more understanding of basic regulations than generation X was different perceptive channels. Passengers in generation X were inclined to learn the basic regulations from airlines’ personnel or from colleagues meanwhile passengers in generation Y learnt it through online channels either by surfing on the internet or by online media. The perceptive channels in generation Y were consistent with the growing trend that people are more likely to publish information or news including basic regulations on air traveling through social media. 2) The appropriate pattern of media being used to present relevant information of basic regulations on air traveling was infographic media. It displayed the information visually which was conveniently to understand and instantly to memorize. Moreover, it can also be adjusted to use on many platforms, for example, to be posted on social media and published in magazines.

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How to Cite
Bunyarat, S., Temkaew, W., & Namsang, A. (2021). Basic Rules and Regulations Perception of Generation X and Generation Y with Traveling by Low Cost Airlines. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 7(Special), 324–341. retrieved from


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