Approaches for Resource Mobilization of Wat Rajabopit School Based on the Concept of Strengthening Engagement

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Raphirat Tapaosirawit
Penvara Xupravati


The purposes of this research were to: 1) study need assessment for resource mobilization of Wat Rajabopit School based on the concept of strengthening engagement, 2) propose the approaches for resource mobilization of Wat Rajabopit School base on the concept of strengthening engagement. The data collection instrument used in this study was the questionnaire regarding the current situation and the desirable state of resource mobilization of Wat Rajabopit School base on strengthening engagement concepts. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics (frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation) and modified priority needs index (PNIModified.) The informants of this research were 46 people including 1 school director, 15 teachers involved in finance and resource management, 30 parents in which were 6 chairs of level representatives and 24 committees of level representatives.

The results were as follows; there were 8 approaches with 16 methods of resource mobilization approach of Wat Rajabopit School based on the concept of strengthening engagement. 1) involved stakeholder in appointed the resource mobilization committee 2) study and analyze problems and needs of resource mobilization with positive 3) plan the procedure of resource mobilization with dedication 4) involved stakeholder in presenting the resource mobilization plan and project 5) implemented the resource mobilization plan with dedication 6) allowed the assessment and evaluation accept of resource mobilization 7) involved stakeholder in summarize the implement of resource mobilization and 8) report the overall operation of the resource mobilization with participation.

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How to Cite
Tapaosirawit, R., & Xupravati, P. (2021). Approaches for Resource Mobilization of Wat Rajabopit School Based on the Concept of Strengthening Engagement . Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 7(Special), 246–261. retrieved from


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