The Roles of Administrators in the Development of Teachers towards the ASEAN Community of Schools under the Office of Nonthaburi Primary Educational Service Area 2

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Praewpan Waitayasewee
Laddawan Petchroj


The objectives of this research were to study, to compare and to suggest the roles of administrators in the development of teachers towards the ASEAN community of schools under the Office of Nonthaburi Primary Educational Service Area 2. The sample was 310 administrators and teachers of schools under the Office of Nonthaburi Educational Service Area 2.The research instruments were questionnaire and interview form. Data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, One-way ANOVA, LSD and content analysis.

The research results found that as follows: 1) the roles of administrators in the development of teachers towards the ASEAN community of schools under the Office of Nonthaburi Primary Educational Service Area 2, in general, and all aspects were at a high level. The highest was personnel management, the lowest were: general management, financial / budget management and academic administration. 2) The comparison results showed that there were statistical significance at level .05 classified by educational level, position, school size and working experience. 3) The suggestion of administrator’ roles in teacher development to the ASEAN community of schools: for Academic Administration should give importance to the development of educational institutions in accordance with international programs by promoting the development of personnel, technology equipment. In human resource management training teachers should be provided by having language proficiency personnel or native speakers to assist in the training. Financial / budget management should be a budget sufficient to develop teachers into the ASEAN community. And general management should use various information technology media to publicize about ASEAN activities of the school.

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How to Cite
Waitayasewee, P., & Petchroj, L. (2021). The Roles of Administrators in the Development of Teachers towards the ASEAN Community of Schools under the Office of Nonthaburi Primary Educational Service Area 2. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 7(Special), 159–173. retrieved from


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