The Study of the Causes and Resolutions to the Illegal Establishment of Resorts within a National Park: A Case Study of ThapLan National Park

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Kitti Srewongsitanon
Wanaporn Techagaisiyavanit


This research aims at studying the underlying causes and solutions for solving the problem of the encroachment of ThapLan National Park, Wang Nam Khiao district by private individuals to build resorts for tourism. This research uses a qualitative method gathering data by conducting in-depth interviews with 8 key informants from government official ranging from the administrative to operational levels consisting of the chief or deputy chief of the Wang Nam Kaew Subdistrict, the chief or deputy chief of Thai Samakkhi Subdistrict, administrative staffs of Thai Samakkh iSubdistrict, administrative staffs of Wang Nam Kaew Subdistrict, forestry technical officers or administrative staffs of Thap Lan National Park, and business owners consisting of resort entrepreneurs in the Thai Samakkhi Subdistrict. The study showed that the problem of the National Park encroachment to set up resorts for tourism was driven by government support in the past, which had promoted the area as a tourist destination which led to the creation of tourist-related businesses, resulting in the problem of a poor agricultural productivity, which was unable to provide a sufficient source of income for the local people. Moreover, there was a problem of weak legal measures and sanctions against this type of violation, which failed to deter violators. The disproportionality of crime and punishment has caused people to be unaware of their responsibility. For the proposed solutions, it is recommended that a legal framework must be readjusted. More severe sanctions must be imposed as the current sanctions are found insufficient to deter this type of offence. Moreover, current laws and regulation must be amended to accommodate needs required under the current situation. Most importantly, the local people must be encouraged and allowed to participate in the decision-making process and proposing the solutions with the government, as well the promotion of their roles in the prevention of the problem to ensure the sustainability of the solutions.

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How to Cite
Srewongsitanon, K., & Techagaisiyavanit, W. (2021). The Study of the Causes and Resolutions to the Illegal Establishment of Resorts within a National Park: A Case Study of ThapLan National Park. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 7(Special), 147–158. retrieved from


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