The Development of a Framework of Activity-Based Costing in Secondary School Outputs: A Case Study of Debsirin School, Thailand

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Phachara Sinsomros
Nantarat Charoenkul


This study purposes were to 1) draft a framework, 2) evaluate a framework, 3) synthesize a framework of Activity-Based Costing in secondary school outputs: a case study of Debsirin School. This research methodology is documentary research. There are 12 documentary items used in this study; 6 literature reviews of Activity-Based Costing, and 6 reports of Debsirin School management. The instrument used in this study is a draft framework and an appropriate evaluation of framework of Activity-Based Costing in secondary school outputs: a case study of Debsirin School. This study reveals that a framework consisted of the 4 frameworks; the graduated students, activities, cost driver, and calculating Activity-Based Costing. There are 11 Debsirin’s outputs. From the lower secondary, it can be divided into 4 outputs by students’ programs; 1) The Regular Program 2) The Gifted Science and Mathematics Program 3) The English Program (EP) and 4) The Mini English Program (MEP) and from the upper secondary, it can be divided into 7 outputs from the programs of; 1) The Science and Mathematics 2) The Gifted Science and Mathematics 3) The Intensive English Program (IEP) 4) The Arts-Mathematics and English 5) The Arts-Chinese 6) The Foreign Languages and 7) The Arts-Physical Education. The graduated students’ activities can be divided into 3 groups; 1) the direct main activities 2) the indirect main activities and 3) the supporting activities. The cost driver is a factor that drives the resources to each activity. In this study there are 2 drivers for the amount of students and study hours. This costing output is calculated by expenses of each activity and then is divided by student proportion and activities of each output for figuring out each student’s costing. The result of appropriate evaluation is the high level (mean=1.00, SD=0.00). Eventually, the result will be administratively used in school management.

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How to Cite
Sinsomros, P., & Charoenkul, N. (2021). The Development of a Framework of Activity-Based Costing in Secondary School Outputs: A Case Study of Debsirin School, Thailand. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 7(Special), 129–146. retrieved from


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