Administration of Volunteer Boy Scout Activities in Primary Schools under the Office of Nonthaburi Primary Educational Service Area 1

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Pimchanok Prakobdee
Samrerng Onsampant


This research aimed to study, to compare the administration and to propose guidelines for the development of the volunteer scouting activities of elementary schools under the Nonthaburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 1.The sample group was administrators, government teachers and the employment rate for teaching scouts 302 people by random stratification method. This research instrument was a 5-level questionnaire with IOC values between 0.67 - 1.00 and the alpha cronbach accuracy of 0.97 The data were analyzed in frequency, percentage, mean ,standard deviation ,t-test , One-way ANOVA ,LSD and content analysis

The research results found that 1) Administration of volunteer scout activities of Primary Schools Nonthaburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 in overall was at the highest level. When considering each side found that they were at the highest in planning and operation at a high level in the inspection and improving operations. 2) Comparison results found that the management teacher civil service and employment clarified by gender, age, work experience were no different except by the position that was statistically significant at the .05 level. 3) Guidelines for the management of volunteer scout activities should be planned together before organizing the volunteer scout activities. Operational aspects should be established. focus on teamwork by coordinating with relevant departments. Audit aspects should be regular audits and assessments of the scout activities. Operational improvement should be appropriate for the implementation of the volunteer scout according to recommendations.

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How to Cite
Prakobdee, P., & Onsampant, S. (2021). Administration of Volunteer Boy Scout Activities in Primary Schools under the Office of Nonthaburi Primary Educational Service Area 1 . Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 7(Special), 98–112. retrieved from


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