Participatory Development of Tour Guides Potential Model in Tak Tourism Community of Mueang District, Tak Province

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Kitkawindet Wongmun


The objectives of this research were to 1) study the tourism problems of local tour guides of the Muang Tak tourism community 2) study the development of tour guides potential of the Mueang Tak tourism community 3) Establish a process for developing local tour guides potential of the tourist communities. Muang Tak. This research was a combination of research. Which consists of quantitative research using questionnaires the sample group used in this study was local guides. People in the Tak tourism community and students the data were analyzed by 30 people in the Tak tourism community by finding frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. And qualitative research by in-depth interviews individually the samples were 30 local tour guides in the Tak tourism community and analyzed the data in a categorical way.

The results of the study were as follows: 1) The problem of the local tour guide of the Tak tourism community was 1) the knowledge of history and tourist attractions 2) the ability to act as a local guide 3) the ability to use different languages and countries of communication and 4) immediate solutions. And assistance to tourists 2) the need for the development of potential local guides of the Tak tourism community want to participate in local guide potential development activities overall, it was at the highest demand level (mean=4.75), found that there was the highest demand for the development of knowledge of history and tourist sites (mean=4.70), and assistance to tourists (mean=4.60), would like to participate in the local guide competency development training with participation. Share on the topic local guide training in the form of a demonstration by showing the participants the actual practice. And give the trainees the opportunity to try and follow through and ask questions. The venue for the training is a hotel, the number of participants is not more than 30 people and the duration of the activity is 3 days. 3) The process for developing local guide potential is: 1) study tourism problems of local guides, 2) study the need for local guide capacity development, 3) develop local guide capacity, and 4) monitoring and evaluating the training participants.

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How to Cite
Wongmun, K. (2021). Participatory Development of Tour Guides Potential Model in Tak Tourism Community of Mueang District, Tak Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 7(Special), 54–70. retrieved from


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