Leadership and Organizational Success: A Case Study of Automotive Parts Companies

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Podcharapol Sroithong
Aroon Ractham
Somporn Fuangchan
Sutep Chaowalit


The objectives of this research were to: 1) Synthesis the components, leadership, and organizational success of automotive parts companies., 2) Study models of leadership and organizational success of automotive parts companies. The instrument used in this research was an in-depth interview. There are 3 groups of key informants, consisting of 9 executives, a group of human resource employees of 4 people, and a group of clients of 5 people, totaling 18 people. The data analysis was carried out by using content analysis techniques.

The results showed that 1. The synthesis of leadership elements and organizational success of the Automotive Parts Companies has five leadership elements: the first component is the Leader has the following characteristics: 1) a broad vision, 2) good management, 3) knowledge of modern technology or digital, 4) teamwork and 5) communication skills Convince. The second component is the follower with the following characteristics: 1) applying the sufficiency economy principles to work, 2) knowledge of modern technology, 3) good communication skills, and 4) teamwork. The Third component is the situation or leadership formulation activities. The fourth component is Influencing and the fifth component is the organizational goals. 2. Model of Leadership and Organizational Success of Automotive Parts Companies. From the model, it should be presented as the leader characteristics as follows: 1) having a broad vision, 2) being good management, 3) having knowledge of modern technology or digital, 4) teamwork and 5) having persuasive communication skills.

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How to Cite
Sroithong, P., Ractham, A., Fuangchan, S., & Chaowalit, S. (2021). Leadership and Organizational Success: A Case Study of Automotive Parts Companies. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 7(3), 297–313. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rpu/article/view/257366


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