An Approach of Mathematics Teachers Sharing for Enhancing Samutsakhon Province Lower Secondary School Students Attainment

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Chutiya Boonupatam
Theerapong Budsarakoon


This research proposes a guideline to share mathematics teachers at the secondary school level and improve the mathematical achievement of school groups in Samut Sakhon, 38 schools in total. This research was considered that the learning achievement is related to the teachers' ability. Therefore, the results of the National Basic Education Test (O-net) were considered to categorize the math teacher proficiency. To categorize teachers according to this criterion, the average score gap to categorize the lower donor schools and recipient schools was between 6.00 points and 12.87 points. Moreover, in order to save money and duration to go to teach. The distance must not exceed 15 km. It corresponds to the road conditions and traffic volume in the province. The analysis of both criteria made it possible to assign a total of 5 donor schools to take care of receipient schools which are 1) Samut Sakhon Wittayalai takes care of 6 schools. 2) Samut Sakhon Burana takes care of 7 schools. 3) Wat Nangsao takes care of 2 school. 4) Krathum Baen "Wiset Samutkhun" takes care of 1 school and 5) Wat Thammajariyapirom takes care of 4 schools. When considering the annual test score, there was a fluctuation of the test result that did not meet the specified score spacing criteria. It also appears that there are 12 recipient schools with a distance of more than 15 km. Therefore, it is necessary to divide special cases into 2 groups, 6 schools in each group. This special classification is appropriate because route conditions and traffic volumes do not cause problems in both cost and travel duration.

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How to Cite
Boonupatam, C., & Budsarakoon, T. (2021). An Approach of Mathematics Teachers Sharing for Enhancing Samutsakhon Province Lower Secondary School Students Attainment. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 7(3), 375–388. retrieved from


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