Needs Assessment of Developing Management of Child Development Centers under Local Administrative Organizations in Mueang Nonthaburi District, Nonthaburi Province based to National Standard for Early Childhood Development Center

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Pongsatorn Yutitorn
Penvara Xupravati


This research aims to study the current and desirable states and assess the priority needs of Developing Management of Child Development Centers under Local Administrative Organizations in Mueang Nonthaburi District, Nonthaburi Province based on the National Standard for Early Childhood Development Center. Information contributors were 85 personnel, including the head of child development centers, teachers, and assistant teachers/child caregivers. The research instrument was a questionnaire that had an index of item objective congruence (IOC) of 0.67-1.00. The data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean, and priority needs index modified (PNImodified). The results found that the overall current and desirable states of Management of Child Development Centers under Local Administrative Organizations in Mueang Nonthaburi District, Nonthaburi Province based on the National Standard for Early Childhood Development Center were at the high level (M=3.89 and 4.20, respectively). The order of priority needs was Administration of all personnel (PNImodified=0.112), Environmental administration for safety (PNImodified=0.077), Systematic administration (PNImodified=0.076) Promotion of family and community participation (PNImodified=0.071), and Health and learning promotion management (PNImodified=0.063), respectively. Additionally, the overall current and desirable states of Management of Child Development Centers under Local Administrative Organizations in Mueang Nonthaburi District, Nonthaburi Province based on the National Standard for Early Childhood Development Center, when classified by management process were at the high level (M=3.89 and 4.20, respectively). The management process of priority needs was Evaluation (PNImodified=0.081), Planning (PNImodified=0.079), and Implementation (PNImodified=0.076), respectively.

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How to Cite
Yutitorn, P., & Xupravati, P. (2021). Needs Assessment of Developing Management of Child Development Centers under Local Administrative Organizations in Mueang Nonthaburi District, Nonthaburi Province based to National Standard for Early Childhood Development Center. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 7(3), 254–269. Retrieved from


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