Good Governance Operation at Damrongdhama: A Case Study of Damrongdhama Group Justice Enhancement Division Investigation and Legal Affairs Bureau Department of Provincial Administration

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Jirayu Wongluecha
Pirada Chairatana


This study were aimed to; 1) study the Good Governance operation of Damrongtham Center Group Justice Enhancement Division Investigation and Legal Affairs Bureau Department of Provincial Administration 2) study the problem and obstacles in the Good Government operation of Damrongtham Center Group Justice Enhancement Division Investigation and Legal Affairs Bureau Department of Provincial Administration. Sample size was 9 Workers of Damrongdhama Group Justice Enhancement Division Investigation and Legal Affairs Bureau Department of Provincial Administration. Using the qualitative approach. Data was collected by Interview, analytic conclusion and describing the details.

The results showed that the Damrongdhama District Center operates under all 10 principles of good governance but has problems with operational this is due Damrongtham District Center consist of restrictions in the Good Government operation, competence of law with problem solve because petition of different, uncertain operating time, lack of staffs, operation experience and knowledge. And about the matter of operational experience and knowledge of personnel. The Damrongdharma Center, therefore, should define the authority and scope of the Damrongdharma Center to be clear according to the law, increase the necessary manpower and budget, and organize regular training and capacity building of personnel and integration with other agencies. As well as bringing in modern technology to meet the needs of the people under the principles of good governance. Damrongtham District Center should set the operating authority and scope by the law, increase staffs and budget, training and potentials for staffs, integration, and using technology meet the needs of the people under good governance.

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How to Cite
Wongluecha, J., & Chairatana, P. (2021). Good Governance Operation at Damrongdhama: A Case Study of Damrongdhama Group Justice Enhancement Division Investigation and Legal Affairs Bureau Department of Provincial Administration. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 7(3), 240–253. Retrieved from


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