The Development of Thai Labor in Industry Sector to Drive the Thailand 4.0

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Thiwa Donlao
Somporn Fuangchan
Pensri Chirinang
Viwat Kromadit


The objectives of this research were to 1) synthesize technician competencies in the electronics industry to drive Thailand 4.0, 2) assess the technician competencies in the electronics industry to drive Thailand 4.0, and 3) offer a model for developing the technician competencies in the electronics industry to drive Thailand 4.0. This study employed a mixed-methods design. Quantitative data were collected by questionnaires from 295 technicians of electronics factories in the Navanakorn Industrial Estate, Pathumthani Province. Qualitative data were collected by in-depth interviews with 14 individuals, comprising representatives of public-sector administrators and officers, executives in the electronics industry, and human resources managers, and a focused group discussion with ten human resources managers and supervisors. The data were analyzed by inductive analysis.

Results revealed that 1) the essential technician competencies included core competencies of attitudes and motive and functional competencies of knowledge, skills, and attributes, which were prioritized from high to low as 1. attitudes, 2. motive, 3. attributes, 4. knowledge, and 5. skills; 2) the current technician competencies were rated high, ranked from high to low as 1. attitudes, 2. attributes, 3. motive, 4. knowledge, and 5. skills, ranked top five by competency level as duty honesty, success-oriented work focuses, knowledge of responsible operations, critical thinking, and interpersonal skills, and ranked top five by competency gap as duty honesty, success-oriented work focuses, interpersonal skills, applications of field knowledge and skills, and cognitive flexibility and adaptability; and 3) Technician competency development model in the electronics industry to drive Thailand 4.0 consists of 5 components: 1. Technician's Competency 2. The competency gap to develop of technician, 3. Processes and guidelines for technician competency development 4. Methods for technician competency development, and 5. Development preconditions.

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How to Cite
Donlao, T., Fuangchan, S., Chirinang, P., & Kromadit, V. (2021). The Development of Thai Labor in Industry Sector to Drive the Thailand 4.0. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 7(3), 56–71. retrieved from


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