The Learning Organization in the Digital Era According to the Opinions of Personnel under Vocational Education in Pathumthani Province

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Anchalee Luengsrichai
Laddawan Petchroj


This research aimed to study and compare the learning organization in the digital era according to the opinions of personnel under vocational education in Pathumthani province classified by gender, age, education level, position and work experience and to study the guidelines for promoting the learning organization in the digital era according to the opinions of experts. Sample group was personnel under vocational education in Pathumthani province of 195 samples using stratified random sampling and 5 experts. The instruments used questionnaires and interviewing form. The statistics used percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, One-Way ANOVA, LSD and content analysis. The results of the research were as follows:

1) the learning organization in the digital era according to the opinions of personnel under vocational education in Pathumthani province in the overall were at a high level (mean=3.98, SD=0.26), the highest mean was learning technology (mean=4.36, SD=0.40), the lower others were knowledge creation and transfer, quality, appropriate structure, shared vision, teamwork and networking, corporate learning culture, supportive atmosphere, environment scanning, strategy and empowerment 2) the comparison of the learning organization in the digital era classified by gender were not statistical significantly, except classified by age, education level, position and work experience were statistical significantly at .05 level. and 3) guidelines to promote the learning organization in the digital era according to the opinions of experts were administrators should be promote the using information technology, the internet system should be fast, organize learning should exchange activities, should create work motivation establishing vision and strategies in line with current technology changes.

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How to Cite
Luengsrichai, A., & Petchroj, L. (2021). The Learning Organization in the Digital Era According to the Opinions of Personnel under Vocational Education in Pathumthani Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 7(2), 170–186. retrieved from


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