Human Capital Development in The International Logistics Business through Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes in Thailand

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Kanya Jittchoom
Sarana Pochanachang
Eksiri Niyomsilp


The purpose of this research is to study the development of human capital in the international logistics business through knowledge, skills and attitudes in Thailand by using a questionnaire to collect data from 400 employees of international logistics companies and use One-Way ANOVA and Multiple regression analysis to test the influence between variables. Qualitative research, an in-depth interview which is a semi-structured from the management session of 21 personnel’s group or the relevant persons of the international logistics company including government sector, was used to support the quantitative approach.

The results of the quantitative research results showed insight into human capital development in the international logistics business through knowledge, skills and attitudes, namely knowledge factors, skill factor and attitude factors which are in the same direction as in-depth interviews with executives that the management are already aware of and focus on planning to develop human capital to meet the company objectives and expectations of employees. Due to the trend and direction of this industry including government policies, the management has to constantly adjust the human capital development policies and always respond to the technological changes.

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How to Cite
Jittchoom, K., Pochanachang, S., & Niyomsilp, E. (2021). Human Capital Development in The International Logistics Business through Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes in Thailand. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 7(2), 366–380. retrieved from


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