Preschool Teacher’s Roles in Child Protection in School under the Office of Bangkok Primary Educational Service Area

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Chuttarika Yoodee
Panutsorn Jaruchainiwat


The purpose of this research was to study preschool teacher’s roles in child protection in 3 aspects, which were child care and education, helping child and family and collaboration with other professionals. The samples were 123 preschool teachers in school under the Office of Bangkok Primary Educational Service Area. The research instrument was a questionnaire form. The data was analyzed using frequency distribution, percentage, arithmetic mean, and standard deviation. The research results founded that preschool teacher’s roles in child protection in all 3 aspects performance at a high level. The highest score was child care and education (mean=4.72, SD=0.09), followed by helping child and family (mean=4.39, SD=0.05) and collaboration with other professionals (mean=4.17, SD=0.07), respectively. When considering each aspect, the research results showed that: 1) High-quality care and education: the highest mean was high-quality education, and the lowest mean was management of promoting child well-being activities. 2) Helping child and family: the highest mean was child help operation, and the lowest mean was reporting and referral. 3) Collaboration with other professionals the highest mean was promoting partnership with family, and the lowest mean was building collaboration with professionals.

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How to Cite
Yoodee, C., & Jaruchainiwat, P. (2021). Preschool Teacher’s Roles in Child Protection in School under the Office of Bangkok Primary Educational Service Area. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 7(2), 334–347. retrieved from


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